TNW World Tour: We're coming to a town near you! - World News Daily Mail

TNW World Tour: We're coming to a town near you!

TNW World Tour: We're coming to a town near you! ,

Two of the things we love to do at TNW are celebrating technology and connecting people. We have a history of doing this for the last ten years with the blog you’re reading right now, and with our industry-leading conferences around the world.

Innovation happens everywhere – that’s why we’re launching World Tour today. We’re going to be travelling to tech hubs around the globe, to meet the entrepreneurs and influencers shaping the future of technology.

Do business with 5,000 people

Momentum by TNW is our New York technology event for anyone interested in helping their company grow.

We’re designing serendipity and fostering entrepreneurship, by initiating a series of intimate event concepts, co-organised by the local tech scene.

The first three events have already been scheduled and take place in Barcelona, London and our hometown – beautiful Amsterdam. But we’re not stopping there – a lot of other cities are also in the cards.

Get over to the World Tour website to check out the cities where we’re hosting events in the coming months, and sign up to stay in the loop.

➤ TNW World Tour


TNW World Tour: We’re coming to a town near you!